
Experience in choosing fighting cocks from veteran cockfighting experts

Cockfighting is a traditional folk game that is very popular in Southeast Asian countries, including Vietnam. To choose a rooster that is capable of fighting classic matches, cockmasters need to have effective methods of reading the chicken’s appearance. In today’s article, we will introduce to you these Experience in choosing fighting cocks Prestige and class come from cockfighting masters.
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Experience in choosing fighting chickens from breed tones

The ancients had a saying “a dog looks like its father, a chicken looks like its mother”, so if cockers want to see the breed of chickens fighting effectively, they should observe the breed tone of the mother hen. Learning about the breed of fighting cocks is extremely important in determining whether the fighting cocks are good or not.

If the mother hen breed has an aggressive, warlike and healthy nature, the baby fighting chickens will inherit those characteristics. On the contrary, if the mother chicken was previously sick, has poor gait, does not have the ability to fight, and is the weakest in the flock, then there is a high possibility that the fighting chickens will not be good fighters.

See the appearance of 5 parts of the chicken’s body

The experience of choosing fighting cocks used by many veteran chicken fighters is to look at the appearance of fighting cocks. Among them, there are 5 extremely important parts. If you look at the right generals, you will find a satisfactory fighting cock:

  • Beak appearance: A good fighting chicken will have a large, straight beak, a strawberry crest on its head, and bright, sharp eyes
  • Neck appearance: The fighting cock’s neck must be high, big and straight. Absolutely do not choose chickens with crooked necks or neck defects
  • Back shape: A good fighting chicken will have a straight, wide back and a long wingspan
  • Thigh appearance: good fighting chicken thighs are usually very large and the thighs will be longer than the chicken legs
  • Foot appearance: chicken feet must be dry, straight, firm and have neatly arranged scales

Experience in choosing fighting chickens by feather color

This is also a method commonly used by wise cockfighters to choose good fighting cocks. Fighting chickens with 3 or more feather colors will often get the most attention. In folklore, we have all heard of rare feather colors in chickens such as: umbrella, purple and gray. These are the typical coat colors of very good, very valuable fighting cocks.

You can see the color of the chicken’s feathers to choose a suitable fighting cock through the following verse:

Chicken with white legs, even if my mother scolded me, I bought it

White chicken with lead legs, buy anything like that

Chicken with white legs and ivory bill

Where the stone wins is the chicken’s body

This is the experience of choosing fighting cocks drawn from thousands of generations of knowledge passed down to fellow chicken keepers. If you encounter chicken breeds with precious feather colors like the above, don’t hesitate to spend money to bring the chickens home.

See the fighting cock’s appearance through its appearance

The appearance of the fighting cocks will be an important factor to help cockfighters who are passionate about fighting cocks choose good and valuable chicken breeds. Fighting chickens that are healthy and have good fighting ability will have a muscular, strong body, stand and walk more heroically than humans.

On the contrary, chickens with weak and emaciated bodies will often not have the strength to fight. Not to mention the possibility that they are also at risk of disease or illness in the body.

In the process of viewing the fighting cock’s appearance through appearance, the cocker can lift the fighting cock to estimate its weight as well as observe many other factors. If you see a chicken breast that is twisted, absolutely do not choose it. You should choose a chicken breed with a deep breast and firm meat.

Good fighting cock thighs will be big, round and relatively heavy, however, cockers should not choose fighting cocks with thighs that are too large and out of proportion with the chicken’s legs. A classy fighting cock will have a reasonable proportion of thigh and leg meat, which will help the fighting cock stand majestically and not be heavy.

Experience in choosing fighting cocks by crowing

Many cockfighters use the method of choosing good fighting cocks by crowing. A chicken that crows loudly and far away will be very good for its owner. Besides, cocks that crow 7 to 8 times and twitch are considered high-class chickens. The ancients had a saying, “The chickens are angry at each other’s crows” which is a saying that shows the level of each fighting cock. The cock that crows loud and strong, and the more special the crow, the more rare it is.

Normal fighting cocks will crow for about 4 to 5 hours. This is also a good fighting cock breed. But absolutely do not choose a chicken that crows three times. This is a very poor chicken breed, has weak ability to withstand blows and easily loses.
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Experience in choosing fighting cocks by looking at the tail

Seeing the appearance of a fighting cock’s tail is also a very effective method used by chicken masters to see the appearance of chickens. Cockfighting players should choose chickens with a tail that looks like a shrimp’s tail, a wide spread tail canopy, and the tip of the tail pointing to the ground to be good chickens. Cocks with good tail position will have an advantage when competing in cockfighting. The tail is the part that maintains balance for fighting cocks.

In many cases, fighting cocks with broken tail feathers are also attached by cockers to add tail feathers for competition. Therefore, the appearance of the tail feathers is extremely important when you want to choose a good fighting cock. Some good fighting cock tail feathers are as follows:

  • Moon bow feathers: this is the tail feathers of fighting cocks with many white and narrow parts like a crescent moon. This breed of feathered chickens often has an innate talent for cockfighting, can unleash many unique moves, and has a very high winning rate when competing.
  • White spirit feathers: this is a tail feather with many white strands and evenly distributed throughout the chicken’s tail
  • Banana tail hair: This tail hair looks like a stained banana leaf, often very dense. This breed of chicken with tail feathers is a fighting chicken that has endurance and can deliver very dangerous blows

Experience in choosing fighting cocks by looking at the head’s appearance

Folk often have the saying “first head, second tail” showing the importance of the chicken’s head. Experience in choosing fighting cocks through looking at the appearance of the cock’s head is relatively accurate. Seeing the appearance of a chicken’s head will help you identify which chickens are healthy and have good endurance. Some criteria for evaluating good fighting cock heads are as follows:

  • The fighting cock’s head is not too big, it needs to be in proportion to the neck and body of the chicken. The chicken’s head has a bright red, erect comb and is a fighting chicken, very fierce and has good fighting ability
  • Chickens with large and wide heads are often tough chickens, able to withstand blows well but are slow in attacking opponents.
  • Chickens with small, narrow heads and protruding eyes are often poor chickens, do not have good technique and are very cowardly
  • A well-proportioned chicken head, not too big, not narrow, with bulging facial veins is usually a breed of chicken that can withstand blows well and is capable of delivering high-damage blows. You should choose this breed of chicken to raise and train


So, we have just reviewed the experience of choosing fighting cocks from professional cockfighting experts. For more useful information about cockfighting knowledge, please visit the bookmakerNew88 Please.

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